BRAMEX e.K. uses cookies in order to offer you a better browsing experience that suits your needs, as well as to protect and improve the website. read carefully
this Cookies Policy to learn about the responsible use that BRAMEX e.K. makes of them and about the options you have to configure your browser and manage them.
What are cookies?
Cookies are small data files that are generated on the user’s computer and that allow us to know their frequency of visits, the most selected content and the
security elements that can intervene in the control of access to restricted areas, as well as the display of advertising based on criteria predefined by BRAMEX e.K. Y
that are activated by cookies served by said entity or by third parties that provide these services on behalf of BRAMEX e.K.
As a general rule, there are the following types of cookies:
Depending on its expiration:
They expire at the end of the session.
They do not expire at the end of the session.
Depending on its origin:
Enabled by the website you are browsing.
Third parties.
They come from other websites.
Depending on its purpose:
Techniques: allow navigation and use of different services.
allow access to the service with predefined characteristics.
They allow the monitoring and analysis of user behavior.
They allow the management of advertising spaces.
Behavioral advertising: they allow the management of advertising spaces. They store information on user behavior.
What type of cookies do we use and for what purposes?
On this website, the following types of cookies are used, with the following purposes:
Analytical Cookies
They are used to collect user activity statistics. Among others, the number of users who visit the website, the number of pages visited as well as the activity are analyzed.
of users on the website and their frequency of use.
The information collected is always anonymous in such a way that no link can be established between it and the natural person to whom it refers.
More information:
Authentication Cookies
They are used to maintain the user’s session during each visit, being dominant in private environments of the website that require a username and password for the
More information:
Cookies used by social networks
They allow the user to have the possibility of sharing with their contacts in a social network the contents that are of interest to them by marking the button (plug-in)
corresponding inserted in the website.
The plug-ins store and access the cookies of the user’s terminal and allow the social network to identify its users when they interact with the plug-ins.
More information:
Cookies used by external content plugins
They are necessary for the provision of some type of service and are stored by third parties.
Within this category of cookies are, for example, multimedia player cookies, which are used to store technical data with a view to reproducing
video or audio content, such as image quality, upload parameters, etc.
More information:
Third-party cookies for the personalization of advertising spaces
They allow managing the advertising space that users see when accessing the website and are stored by third parties.
More information:

¿Quién accede a la información de las cookies?
La información almacenada en las cookies es utilizada exclusivamente por BRAMEX e.K.
¿Pueden desactivarse las cookies?
Salvo en el caso de las cookies analíticas, el uso de cookies tiene un efecto sobre la privacidad de los usuarios dado que, por regla general, permite relacionar su contenido con la dirección
IP de conexión y con otros datos de carácter personal del usuario, como los aportados voluntariamente.
Mediante la aceptación de la presente Política de Privacidad y Cookies, el usuario estará consintiendo la generación de cookies para las finalidades arriba mencionadas.
No obstante lo anterior, en caso de que el usuario desee con posterioridad eliminar las cookies que se hayan almacenado en su ordenador y que necesariamente precisen de su
consentimiento, podrá hacerlo usando las herramientas que le proporcione su navegador a dichos efectos. En este sentido, dependiendo de su navegador, en los siguientes enlaces se
detalla el procedimiento para desactivar las cookies:
Internet Explorer:
Si el usuario no acepta las cookies o las rechaza posteriormente, las funcionalidades del sitio web podrán verse mermadas.
Cambios y actualizaciones en la Política de cookies
BRAMEX e.K. y las empresas del grupo pueden modificar esta Política de Cookies en función de exigencias legislativas, reglamentarias, o con la finalidad de adaptar dicha política a las
instrucciones y recomendaciones dictadas por los reguladores. Se recomienda, por tanto, revisar periódicamente la Política de Cookies.
